I was wondering if i can have a chance in this league?

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Razor Knife 13

I was wondering if i can have a chance in this league?

Post by Razor Knife 13 »

:oops: OK Well hi guys its me toku,tofu,r.moore or what ever u wanna call me.
I just wanted to know if I can get another chance in this league wow what is this my 3rd post anyway lets see how it goes
I know no one will read this but i really need another chance.I messed up in this league few yrs ago
but I mean who doesn't everyone makes mistakes yeah I remember all the stupid crap ive done when i was 11
when I look at my old postings and stuff I just feel embarrassed like I just shake my head but why didn't my stupid
11 yr old self couldnt figure out people were trying to help me
but ive learned my lesson im mature and don't screw with adults because well because there adults
my coach always says to us respect is a gift use it wisely and yes he did say that and I've learned im a totally different person then 3yrs ago
when i was in speedsims I learned alot.Bmx told me about speedsims and I liked it ive learned how to act to the point i raced really good
on my first race i didn't wreck it went way better then I expected all u guys here were like trying to help and I just fooled around.
I mean look im the reason why this league has a PW on the server which im not proud of.I was hard headed back then and im sort of still am
but i annoyed the heck out of everyone go on the server cuss when you guys were practicing I would wreck you thinking it was funny but you know what
I do now i show my talking on the track I will do my best on there,but the best thing reef and lepage did kicked me and that was
the most best thing that helped because I would race offline and practice my butt off maybe one day I'll be in the nhrl again.
So I think reef and lepage I know my reputation went down the roof but for the speedsims racers on here i never got kicked unless i wasn't
allowed to race or needed more practice or because of lagness Davo,Cholerix,Bmx,Mustang and other people helped me learn so now im never gonna do the stuff i did again and that's the truth.
Why do I want to in this league agian because I love the nhrl and sprint cup dont get me wrong speedsims is fun but oval racing is fun.

so im just asking give a kid a break ive learned my lesson and THATS the truth and if u dont believe me well....thats is your opinion
I have a wheel good Internet now im just waiting this is the best league for nascar heat and so is speedsims but I need to do oval racing,
so everyone can we start over anyway I'm always gonna practice this game and bovers and blaxmans sprint cup mods. Im ready So just give me one more chance to redeem my self and i wont mess it up I guarantee it. :-| :) :grin: and here comes the reacion seriously Ive changed Ive learned