Out of curiousity

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Re: Out of curiousity

by Jes Rathbun » Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:04 pm

stick :laughorange :laughorange :jester :ezboardlaugh

Re: Spicy nipple chops

by GFN-Murray » Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:23 pm

Stick77: That was pretty cool, I'm from PA though, lol. Just an Arizona Cardinals/Cleveland Browns fan. Dog Pound Killer? That's almost Michael Vick-like, lmao. I better not laugh too hard, if he's ever allowed back in the NFL he might end up in Arizona or Cleveland :wink:. I had to run your paragraph out on my printer so I'd be able to keep it around for awhile, that was pretty hilarious. Being that I am into sports somewhat, I hear that if Vick comes back in a few years, he could end up as a wide receiver for the Chicago Bears. Is that nutty or what? At least that's the word I'm getting from some reliable NFL guys in VA. Who knows, but anyway, Stick77, keep coming up with cool stuff like that, and maybe I'll quit getting the urge the fry up a skillet full of hot grease to throw on people, lol. Real good reading material you got there. :wink:

Re: Out of curiousity

by jrfan381 » Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:06 am

LMAO Stick! :laughorange :ezboardlaugh :lol:

Re: Out of curiousity

by Stick77 » Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:31 pm

Ladies and Gentleman!! Welcome to the main event bout in the NHRL scheduled for 10 rounds of action packed word throwing. In this corner standing a whopping 6'5" tall and weighing in at 264 stone dwelling from the mean streets of cleveland GFN"the dog pound killer"Murray : :footballhelmet . And in the opposite corner The undesputed pound for pound ,badest trash talker,king of the comback and the occasional your mamma joke hailing from somewhere in the world, The mouth of the south EF"Go :wiggle yourself " Gordon :argh . Get ready for the greatest event since Tyson bit off Holyfields ear and spit it on the ring and stomped on it. This one is going to be brutal a real :clubber down. It might get so out of hand they are going to call in the :cop :army :coastguard to sort it all out in the end. One of these two contenders might take a trip to the :sick or even worse :ezboarddevel . So sit back enjoy and dont forget the popcorn \:D/

Re: Out of curiousity

by efgordon » Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:28 pm

fine, but you started it....... :-({|= get back to me if you need directions.

how bout you call me ross perot and i will call you sweet charlie? is that fair enough for you?

Re: w/e

by GFN-Murray » Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:33 pm

Maybe I need to take a short trip down the Beltway, I frequent the Verizon Center quite often, you know what, cancel that. To call a 6'5" 264lbs bro something like Ross Perot, you may as well just mark me as "foe" in your Forum user control panel, because all these other guys are pretty funny you're just plain "a jerk". You start some kind of lame crap in this short CTS series, don't count on that championship, either. I'm done with you totally, piss off.

Re: Out of curiousity

by efgordon » Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:01 pm

yes, all the sucking is getting old........NOT!

but lets do keep it real and touch on some of the things you speak of that i can really get behind

"gr8-1, he was cool".......check

"i took a skoty set and modified it"....check....who could blame you? i'm not sure skoty likes skoty sets.... :jester

"rookiesrock, your a freak"....check..if you listen closely when he keys into vent, you can hear whodini's "the freaks come out at night" in the background. He also escaped my stranglehold on the points chase like his great great 3rd cousin harry


"wanna do some mining together? ".....sure, i'm running low on bronze.

btw - as long as we are all in the mood for name calling........
GFN-Murray wrote:my last few sentences there should keep you busy for awhile sweet Charlie.
your new name is Ross Perot. we gonna paint you a #92 H. Ross Perot Chevy (or ford or whatever you like) and we will always remember that old quote that made him so famous when we see you comming (or going, again your choice)........"The Giant Sucking Sound"


Re: Out of curiousity

by GFN-Murray » Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:29 pm

Giving Skoty shit.......I sorta got a question regarding him. He always appears "online", sometimes 24hrs a day on Yahoo, but never answers my IM's. I'd ask him myself why, but, you know.

Re: Out of curiousity

by Rookiesrock » Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:11 pm

I was just giving Skoty shit. Lol.

Re: Rookiesrock trying to be cute

by GFN-Murray » Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:05 pm

Rookiesrock: what.....are you trying to start trouble? No, I'm not saying that, the use of that word is starting to get pretty old. Can you drive everyone's sets the way they are, perfectly, every time? I'm pretty sure Skoty(along with most, if not all of you guys) use a wheel, I don't use one so those sets made with a wheel I need to change so that "I can drive them". I got nothing against a wheel, I've tried several, I just can't get the feel. I'm on a controller, a rather old controller that needs to be constantly reconfigured in "Control Panel" in Windows XP. I got one more race in another league to close out the points season, then I'll buy the very best controller I can find, which right now seems to be the XboX 360 controller which works pretty good with Heat and XP. Yeah, I hear the BS all the time about "you need a wheel" this that and the other thing...... When it becomes a requirement to be part of the league, I guess I'll stay my black ass out the pool.

Re: Out of curiousity

by Rookiesrock » Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:42 pm

So are you saying "Skoty's set sucks"?

Re: Out of curiousity

by GFN-Murray » Tue Nov 13, 2007 6:54 pm

About the "4200 rpm" deal, that was just me rolling the dice. I knew I wouldn't be able to get a good finish trying to actually race for a spot. Me and H8er started out in Heat running "dirt" mods, then we decided to start running "paved" mods, which we hung around a league that ran in "normal" mode, and it seemed like fun. We've never run paved stuff in "Expert" or "Hardcore" mode, so we figured a couple months ago that it was about time to learn. We've never ran with mirrors or manual pits either. I've known lepage71 for several years, he's helped us out with tons of stuff, so I figured we'd come check out NHRL. I ran a few times in the old IRF with GR8-1, he was cool as hell. Anyway, I took a Skoty set and modified it to where I could drive it, dropped 4th gear to .50 and thought maybe I wouldn't have to make as many pit stops. In theory it would've worked, and in practice I was running 32 laps before the fuel light would come on. It wouldn't have won a race, but I was hoping to finish at least 2 laps down. What I didn't count on was the setup turning to total garbage in the server and the right front wheel/tire acting like a basketball. DaveO, since you're allowed to call me Mc Murray I guess I'm allowed to call you Tommy Rich. Whatever works, right? lol. Rookiesrock, you're a freak, I know I got in your way a few times, I'll try to have the hang of all this before the new season with the new mod, you're cool, I don't care what Tommy Rich says :grin: . efgordon, you can keep nr2k3 for yourself, put rFactor in your pocket, too. Do you actually know the meaning of some of them big words you use? But hey ef, wanna do some mining together? We could put on helmets and little pairs of shorts and look like tough guys. Not into that? well, that's all I got to offer you for now. I'll get better at this, ef, and when I do start turning in top 5 finishes, I guess the story will be me putting you into the wall. I love ya big guy. ADDENDUM: efgordon, since you seem to take everything I say "wackass literally", my last few sentences there should keep you busy for awhile sweet Charlie.
Stick77, I appreciate your help and comments, I've learned alot watching you, bover907, d3efan, etc, in practice sessions on non race nights.
Reef, please pass efgordon some of the good stuff because his homegrown got contaminated with gout or something similar :wink: .

Re: Out of curiousity

by DaveO » Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:52 am

Stick77 wrote:Interesting.... Thats one heck of a fuel gear!! This aint the bonneville salt flats. Gonna need more gear than that. If any of the new peeps need some setup help feel free to ask. Some of the new guys this year can agree, im more than willing to send ya a setup.Might not be the fastest or the longest lasting but ill give ya what im running. The more guys up to speed makes for better racing(not because slow cars suck) and yes i have been that guy. So just ask and you would be surprised how many guys step up to help ya in this league. I ask all the time #-o
Sticks is right 4200 rpms is one heck of a fuel gear. and geez man if you need help with setups or have questions just ask man, you can ask peeps on ventrillo, in the server or send anyone a pm message... I've also given up setups and answered numerous questions to help out some of the new guys, just ask anyone for help.... this is whats great about this league, we all try to help out one another so that we have better racing and competition on the track!!

Re: Out of curiousity

by Stick77 » Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:23 am

Interesting.... Thats one heck of a fuel gear!! This aint the bonneville salt flats. Gonna need more gear than that. If any of the new peeps need some setup help feel free to ask. Some of the new guys this year can agree, im more than willing to send ya a setup.Might not be the fastest or the longest lasting but ill give ya what im running. The more guys up to speed makes for better racing(not because slow cars suck) and yes i have been that guy. So just ask and you would be surprised how many guys step up to help ya in this league. I ask all the time #-o

Re: Out of curiousity

by Rookiesrock » Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:41 pm

Upon further review (chime in here guys), I see that MB2 never turned more than 4200 RPM's. Was that a mistake with the wrong set or lack of practice? Please can we be honest about our frustrations?

Re: Out of curiousity

by jrfan381 » Mon Nov 12, 2007 10:21 pm

jesse rathbun wrote:GET IN, SIT DOWN, SHUT UP, AND RACE!!!!!!!!
=D> Amen!

Re: Out of curiousity

by Jes Rathbun » Mon Nov 12, 2007 10:20 pm

LMAO :lol: :laughorange

Re: Out of curiousity

by Stick77 » Mon Nov 12, 2007 9:57 pm

This is exactly what we need in the off season to pass the time :-({|= . Great reading! :newspaper

Re: Out of curiousity

by Rookiesrock » Mon Nov 12, 2007 9:28 pm

We drivers here in the NHRL league are quite a group of characters. I personally have no forethought of anything I say. As long as I think its funny then I say it. And as long as even a single person laughs, it’s worth it. If you want to talk and hear narcissistic and politically correct language then that SERIES channel is the one you want. Not the VERBAL LIBERTIES channel. You have a choice. It’s also your freedom to post anything you want here. Nobody is more entitled than anyone else. So feel free and speak your mind.
You are not unlike many who have stopped at the station marked “NHRL”. There are some that can tough it out and learn from the plethora of knowledge that exist in this league and is free for the taking if asked for, and excel as competitors. And then there are many and I mean many that can’t hack it and move on down the ladder of competition for something more their speed. I would suggest that your next post will reveal which one you are.

Re: Out of curiousity

by DaveO » Mon Nov 12, 2007 9:02 pm

GFN Mc Murray, EFgordon did not lose the pts lead due to wrecks. That dude drove like a champion all year in this league. The competition between the points leaders were fierce and very competitive. All the the guys that ran for the championship practiced for endless hours, raced hard, clean and very competitive racing.. All those guys should be applauded with how they drove this year, and proud of what they have accomplished!!!
